Monday, February 13, 2012

So... I Had The Baby

I can't believe the last time I posted anything was in October. I have all these wonderful posts in my head but they seem to never make it here. The most wonderful thing happened to me and Travis on December 27, 2011 and it's time I shared it. MICAH ALEXANDER PITMAN IS HERE!!!!

Of course like any other story in my life Micah's arrival is full of craziness. I will try to make a long story short, but I never do.

Travis' parents had come down the day after Christmas for a visit. We were pretty bummed Micah didn't make it as a Christmas Baby. They had brought Christmas presents for Micah, but he wasn't here to open them. I felt a little off while they were here. I thought I might be having contractions, or it was just from over eating through the holiday. I wasn't really sure so I called my friend Kristen to see what she thought after his parents left. She very calmly advised me it was very much time to go to the hospital. I still wasn't sure. I paged the on call OB to see what he thought. He told me he wasn't sure what to tell me and just to come in. I dreaded going in. I didn't want to be one of those false alarm people. We arrived at the hospital around 9:00PM on the 26th. I felt like my contractions are 3 minutes apart. The triage nurse asked me my pain level on a scale of 1 to 10. I told her a 7. She looked at me like I was crazy. After a few hours she told me that she thought I was in pre-labor. The doctor decided to admit me at 12:00AM since I was already scheduled to be induced at 7:30AM.

We arrive in our room and meet our new nurse. She asks me my pain level. I tell her still a 7. She tells me the scale only goes up to 10 so I better rethink my number if I'm only in pre-labor. I tell her, "fine I'm a that better?" There's so much more to tell but I'm trying to keep it short.

We were told to relax we had plenty of time before Micah would be here. Travis decided to get something to eat in the cafeteria. I decided I needed to go to the bathroom. Next thing I know I'm stuck on the toilet, I can't move. Honestly, I thought I had pooped!!! NOPE!!! Thank God Travis was just coming back to the room. I told him to call the nurse. When she comes to help me she decides to get another nurse to help her get me up. As I'm walking to the bed I tell her I feel something between my legs. She tells me that's because Micah is coming NOW!!! That means no time for an epidural. The nurse really thought she was going to have to deliver Micah.
                                            **FEW DETAILS SKIPPED**
Five pushes later the most beautiful baby boy I've ever seen was here. Micah arrived at 2:14AM weighing 7lbs. 3oz. and 21 inches long.

Overall I couldn't have asked for a better experience I was really lucky. I can't believe I had a NATURAL childbirth. It was something I always wanted to do, but never thought I was strong enough for. The staff and The Birthplace at Gaston Memorial were absolutely wonderful. Each nurse I had was the perfect for the situation  I was going through. The lactation consultant was amazing. I could go on and on how wonderful everyone was.

Travis and I are so BLESSED!!! I have so much I could say here, but I'll save it for another post. It's almost midnight and I do have a new baby. I better get some sleep.

                                                                 Just a few minutes old.

                                                                My going home outfit

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